Using smart variables in emails and SMS

When designing an outgoing email or SMS, you can customize the subject line and body of the email/sms to your needs. You can also use smart variables that will be replaced with details from the calendar invite. 

For example, your email body to your visitors could include something like this:

Hello {{visitorName}},

This is to confirm your meeting with {{ownerName}}. The meeting will start exactly at {{startTime}} and will be over the following video conference link:

To cancel your booking or make any changes, please use this link:



Available Smart Variables

The following are the available smart variables (note these are case sensitive):

  • {{appointmentName}} - this is taken from the "Appointment Types" view when editing your booking page
  • {{visitorName}}
  • {{visitorEmail}}
  • {{visitorMobile}}
  • {{ownerName}} - the name of the calendar owner
  • {{ownerEmail}} - the email of the calendar owner
  • {{startTime}}
  • {{endTime}}
  • {{eventLocation}} - static location or video conferencing link (like Zoom/Meet/Team)
  • {{dialinInfo}} - if using Google Meet
  • {{bookingURL}}


Using Form Data

You can also use variables from the booking form or any query string, using the `{{form["question"]}}`. For example, if your booking page asks for information beyond name and email (such as, Meal Preference), then you can use this data in your notifications as such:

{{form["Meal Preference"]}}

This also works for any value passed through query strings in your booking page.

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